
My name is Marissa Wakley. I live in a small town in Idaho! I am the second youngest of six kids. I have three sisters and two brothers, one of them being my twin! I am five minutes older than him. I absolutely love my family! I love to spend time with them whether that is doing some sort of sporting event, playing games, or just sitting and telling stories. 

 I believe in families that can be together forever. I believe that there is more after this life, and I believe that we can be with our families forever! 

I know that I will always have my family to turn to! My family would drop anything anytime to help me. I know my parents will always welcome me into their home no matter my situation or choices. 

My family is stuck with me for eternity, whether they like it or not! I don't know how I was so blessed to get one of the best families out there, but I know it was all for a reason. "There are no coincidences we are placed in each others lives for a reason." -Elder Ronald A. Rasband 

I Love You
I am not one for words, and I'm not good at expressing the way I feel, but one thing I hope my family knows is that I love them! A love that will never falter. I believe in many chances and I believe that love conquers all. 

"Our homes are to become places where family members love to be, where they can enrich their lives and find mutual love, support, appreciation, and encouragement." -President Spencer W. Kimball 

I hope this blog helps you in your desire to have lasting family relationships, whether blood family or those close and dear to you! Here is a picture of my wonderful family! 
