
Communication is key to a relationship and a marriage! There are so many different forms of communication. Things such as, verbal, non-verbal, eye contact, body language, physical touch, and so much more. Anthony Robbins once said, "The way we communicate with others and the way we communicate with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives." 

What does good communication look like? President Russell M. Nelson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints said, "Good communication includes taking time to plan together. Couples need private time to observe, to talk, and really listen to each other." I think President Nelson hits it on the dot. We should know everything about our spouse, have not secrets! We should be able to open up to them about anything. It is all about trust. When we trust someone, we are able to communicate to them, because we feel safe and comfortable. 

What about when things are hard in a marriage? When it is difficult to agree on something, when there are financial problems, when there is a death in a family. What is one suppose to do? I once heard a teacher of mine say, "complaining is an adults way of crying." That is when it is the most important to communicate with our spouse. Many of the things listed above can tear marriages and families apart, but these are times we can strengthen our marriages the most and come closer to Christ. We can counsel as a family, as a couple, and with our children each individually or as a whole. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints gives us a great outline of how we can counsel in our families.

"Alma taught, “Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good.”3 Inviting the Lord to be part of our family council through prayer will improve our relationships with each other. We can, with Heavenly Father and our Savior’s help, become more patient, thoughtful, helpful, forgiving, and understanding as we pray for help. With Their help, we can make our homes a little bit of heaven here on earth." 

We have the ability and resources to make our homes a safe haven and a place where we can be open and honest! I know that these guides for family councils are inspired. Another great resource about communication is the book Cheer to Eternity by Al and Ben Carraway.
